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Baby Hazel Skin Care

عدد مرات اللعب 218,122

التحقق البشري

شكرًا لك, تم تسجيل تصويتك وسيظهر قريبًا.
تفاصيل اللعبة:

It is skin care time!!Being winter, Baby Hazel’s skin is turning too dry and cracking all over. She needs an urgent skin treatment to get back the glow and softness she used to be. First give Baby Hazel a warm bath. Then apply cream on her cracking skin and lip balm to chapped lips. Finally feed her some healthy food to keep her fit and healthy. Help Baby Hazel to complete all skin care activities without making her cry. Keep Baby Hazel happy through out to earn more points.

تمت الإضافة 06 Jun 2013