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Cinderella Ball Gowns

عدد مرات اللعب 274,699

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تفاصيل اللعبة:

This year Cinderella will organize the annual royal ball and every Disney king, queen, prince and princess is going to be there. She is very nervous because she needs to make all the preparations and make all the decisions and she wants this ball to be perfect. Cinderella, worry no more, because we are going to help you, right? Firstly, you need to help her choose the ball gown which she is going to wear. There are so many gowns at your disposal and it's really hard to choose one because all are so amazing. Help her try out a few and once you made the decision you can help the princess decorate the grand hall for the ball. Have fun!

تمت الإضافة 01 Mar 2020