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Masters of the Universe

عدد مرات اللعب 15,875

التحقق البشري

شكرًا لك, تم تسجيل تصويتك وسيظهر قريبًا.
تفاصيل اللعبة:

The battle for Eternia is in your hands! Side with He-Man and his allies or Skeletor and his minions in this new take on the classic Barbarian sword fighting game. Battle 8 levels against increasingly difficult foes or play against a friend. This Pico-8 cart is bursting with the Power of Grayskull, featuring: 16 Characters 16 combat moves 4 stages

The battle for Eternia is in your hands!

Side with He-Man and his allies or Skeletor and his minions in this new take on the classic Barbarian sword fighting game.

Battle 8 levels against increasingly difficult foes or play against a friend.

You have the power!

تمت الإضافة 25 Sep 2020