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Kimono Designer

عدد مرات اللعب 131,879

التحقق البشري

شكرًا لك, تم تسجيل تصويتك وسيظهر قريبًا.
تفاصيل اللعبة:

Today you will have to prove your creativity and fashion skills, as you are the tailor of one of the most prestigious Japanese kimono shops! On top of this, eight of your favorite princesses are visiting Japan and they will come to your shop because they all want to wear custom made kimonos on their vacation in this wonderful country. Are you up for the challenge? You will have to design the most magnificent kimonos for these princesses who can't wait to try out these amazing traditional Japanese costumes. You have all the tools at your disposal to create them! Have fun!

تمت الإضافة 24 Apr 2020