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Baby Cathy Ep3: 1st Shot

عدد مرات اللعب 130,835

التحقق البشري

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تفاصيل اللعبة:

Cute Baby Cathy here for us again to have fun. Baby Cathy is growing, as we know in the pandemic season it is really necessary to give vaccines to the baby. As cute little Cathy is very small, you have to help her parents to take extra care for her first vaccine shot. Do not worry, It is really simple, just follow the steps First, let's go to the hospital and clean the area where we need to give shot and after that it is very common to have a fever to baby, so help them to heat and feed the milk to baby Cathy and apply the cold cloth to reduce fever and later we have made cute little Cathy get ready with the latest clothes and make baby Cathy and her parents happy. Stick to y8.com for more games of Baby cathy.

المطور: Y8 Studio
تمت الإضافة 22 Jan 2021
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