Studio Ponoc's The Imaginary portrays the depths of humanity and creativity through the eyes of young Amanda and her imaginary companion, Rudger, a boy no one can see imagined by Amanda to share her thrilling make-believe adventures. But when Rudger, suddenly alone, arrives at The Town of Imaginaries, where forgotten Imaginaries live and find work, he faces a mysterious threat. Directed by renowned animator Yoshiyuki Momose (Spirited Away), The Imaginary is an unforgettable adventure of love, loss, and the healing power of imagination.
نحن نستخدم ملفات تعريف الارتباط في تقديم مقترحات لبعض المحتويات، وقياس نسبة زوار الموقع، وتخصيص الإعلانات. باستخدامك لهذا الموقع فإنك تقر بموافقتك على و